Friday, February 13, 2009

Two Month Anniversary Pics

Hi everyone,

It's been TWO MONTHS!!!! Two Months and 25 POUNDS less!!! That's more than 10 pounds per month AND I'm doing it the right way with proper nutrition and exercise - no quick tricks, just hard work and dedication. There is NO turning back now. I am so pleased and proud that I have been able to last this long and I have no doubt I will make it to the end!! This is the longest I've ever TRULY and HONESTLY committed to losing weight and getting healthy!!! I really feel like I am on my way to making this a permanent lifestyle change. The longer I do this, the harder it will be for me to go back to my old ways and I'm thrilled about that because I DO NOT want to go back!!

I feel amazing, full of energy!! I'm feeling so much stronger especially during and after my workouts! It's awesome!
To be totally honest, I don't see a huge difference like in the last pics but I do feel smaller and stronger and for now that's important to me.
What I've Noticed...
The Front Shots: My stomach, hips and legs are a bit smaller, less fat on my chest, under my neck area
The Side Shots: My stomach (especially the lower abs area), less rolls, butt's smaller, thighs just a bit smaller
The Back Shots: My waist and hips are a bit smaller, things feel different, I feel like everything is falling down wards! My legs appear bigger this month - I dunno!!
The Fun Shots: My arms seem smaller and shoulders more defined, thigh is smaller and starting to get some definition, my butt is definitely getting smaller.
Anyway, really anxious to hear what you guys think. I'm hoping that next month's pics will show much Bigger changes!

Anyway, here are the pics. I've posted last month's to compare to this month's!

FRONT (Top: Jan 10/09 - 242 lbs, Bottom: Feb 13/09 - 233 lbs)

SIDE: (Top: Jan 10/09 - 242 lbs, Bottom: Feb 13/09 - 233 lbs)
BACK (Top: Jan 10/09 - 242 lbs, Bottom: Feb 13/09 - 233 lbs)

FUN (Top: Jan 10/09 - 242 lbs, Bottom: Feb 13/09 - 233 lbs)

Until next time...
Joania (2KMINE!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats - love the Charlie's Angels pic - keep up the good work!