Monday, December 1, 2008

Gyms and Things

Hi again,

Well, I've been scoping out gyms in the area and I decided to go with Goodlife. They have a lot of locations across Canada, so whether I'm in Ottawa or Calgary, I will have access and I get an amazing discount through work. I'm just waiting on the program which I should have by the end of this week. I've also decided to stop with the crazy eating. I know that I have been trying to get a taste of everything before I officially start this journey, but I realized that it will be much harder for me to stop if I continue down this as of today, I've started the weaning process (NOT FUN!!).

I can't help but think whether or not I will be able to do this. Sometimes the doubts just creep in to my head. It's nuts!! I haven't even started yet and I'm doubting. It's just that I've seen so many people lose weight only to gain it back, plus more. Why can't I (and so many others) just be happy with how we are? Well for me, I just want to be healthy. I want to do all I can to ensure I live the best life and provide the best life for my family. Part of that requires me to be healthy.

My mother lost her life to ovarian cancer when she was only 37. It was the worst time of my life. She battled her weight all her adult life as well. I sometimes wonder, if things would have been different, had she been heatlhy. I loved my mom very much and miss her terribly (everyday). I want to do what I can to ensure that my son never feels this type of pain. Please don't get me wrong, I don't blame my mom in any way. I remember her trying so hard to lose the weight, on so many different occasions, using so many different methods and fad diets, only to be unsuccessful. So a huge part of me wants to succeed - not only for me, but for my mom as well. I know she's watching.

Anyway, I'm going to sign off for now - I feel the tears coming.



Anonymous said...


You are such a source of inspiration to me and I'm sure so many others that are going to come and read your blogs!

You are the most wonderful mother in the world and I know that's hard to come by these days! Your determination and hard work will rub off on Malcolm and show him what it is to really fight for what you want. I know everything you do is for your family and this journey you're about to start is all about you. YOU deserve this more than anyone I know, to be happy and healthy with a lifestyle that will keep you healthy and active for years to come with your child(ren) :)

I'm by your side on this journey with my own weight to lose and lifestyle to change.

It's not easy to struggle with weight loss but with support and love anything is possible. I'm here to support you through this new journey you're on and hope to be inspired myself to help me along my journey.

Do this for your mom...I know how much she meant to you! YOU CAN DO IT!

Joania said...

Thanks Tanya!! I'm here for you anytime on your journey as well. I know how important it is to you....thanks for the support and for being the best second Mommy ever!!! Love ya!