Monday, December 8, 2008

The Final Countdown

Hi all,

In two days I will officially commence this journey. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I'm busy planning right now. I am making sure everything is in order so that come Wednesday, I'll be ready to just go!! "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". I don't want that to happen.

This afternoon, I will be cleaning out my cupboards (I know what needs to go) and donate what i can to the food bank and the rest to the trash.

So I'm getting ready to take my before pics in hopes of posting them on Wednesday - Day 1. I decided to research tips to taking a good "before" pic. One of the links I found said that I should do the following:

{Take a photo of yourself in poor light, push your stomach out and slouch your shoulders, do not smile, wear baggy long shorts; make yourself look worse than u really looked}

I could not believe how the manipulation started right from the very beginning. That won't work for me. I don't want my pics to be some misrepresentation based on trick photography. I vow to you that my pictures will be true to form - no tricks. They will be actual photos.
  • I will wear the same outfit for all picture updates (if, no..WHEN that outfit becomes to big, I will purchase something similar in a SMALLER size)

  • My husband will be the one taking the pics. He is by no means a professional photographer but I'm sure we'll use the best lighting possible.

  • I will not push out my stomach (it does that on its own)

  • I will not slouch my shoulders

  • I WILL SMILE (I always do and plus I know this is the last time I'll be that size)

  • My pics will be an accurate representation of who I am!!

The "before" pics and measurements will be posted on Wednesday! Stay tuned.

I want to again thank everyone who's been visiting the blogs and the group on facebook. Thanks for the love.


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