Thursday, June 4, 2009

Didn't Work Out Today...Re-focus

Hi all,

I did NOT work out today and I really have to make sure I get it in tomorrow. I have been working very long hours of late - it's a busy time at work. I'm prepping for a 3-day conference next week in addition to my regular duties, not to mention everything else (including this journey of mine).

This is one of those times when it gets really hard and I need to just kick it into overdrive to make sure I don't fall off track. Things are going so well with the weight loss and I really want to keep it that way. I am so close to getting under 200 pounds...just amazing...I can't wait to get there. I just may cry when I step on the scale and no longer see the number "2" at the start.

I've just been looking back at a few of my posts and for the most part, they've been extremely positive with a few slip ups/hurdles here and there. I find it helps to check back every now and then - it helps me to re-focus!! Anyway I'm quite pleased about the fact that most of my posts are positive ones, yet at the same time, I don't want to give the impression that I'm just cruising through this!! My goodness, it takes constant effort. Especially on days like these...I'm working longer days and just feeling tired. While I'm at work, no problem - pretty well full of energy, but when the day is finally over, I'm exhausted and the last thing I feel like doing is working out. Some days, depending on how early I leave for work, I work out at nights. Some nights, I'm just too tired.

These are the times however when I really have to push through it. My plan is to wake up just a bit earlier in the morning and squeeze in my workout. Once it's done, it's out of the way and I don't have to worry about it until the next day. Things should ease up a bit at work over the next two weeks so it should go back to normal. I haven't even enjoyed my last reward yet!! I still have a full spa day to take advantage of and I can't wait!! Looking forward to taking a break from work - just a couple of weeks off to rejuvenate! :)

Anyway, that's it for tonight...

Until next time...

Joania (2KMINE!!!)


Lagana Fitness said...

Hi Joania,

Don't get discouraged if you miss a workout, just get back on track the next day. Make the decision to open that door and step into your choice of continuance toward your goals.

Here's a fav. quote of mine, I enjoy.

You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.


Cole Walter Mellon said...

I've found that working out is even more important when work gets more hectic, because it helps blow off some of that excess stress.

Keep after it.

A Daunting Tale of Scale Warfare said...

This is such a great time for this post, as I am in almost the same position. You are right, this journey (no matter how positive our posts are!) is a journey with a lot of hills and valleys and when we are lucky straight highways that we can set cruise control on. Getting through those hills and valleys is what is going to lead us to ONEderland lady!

It's tough to be a do it all woman AND journey to lose weight and be healthier. Youre strong and inspirational :)

Anonymous said...

It's absolutely fine that you missed today. You will get back on the horse, as you always do, and you'll feel great and on track after tomorrow's workout. You're doing so well and you are allowed to have an off day every now and then! : )

Natasha in TO

South Beach Steve said...

Joania, I can totally understand what you are going through - this week has been crazy hectic for me too. I have another somewhat busy week next week, but it should be better than this one. Congrats on keeping on during the hard times.

Joania said...

You guys are amazing!! Your support is phenomenal and helps me so much!! I just rocked a workout this morning and feel really good about it!

@Lagana: that's an awesome quote. I will read it daily!!