Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday Weigh-In...Week 28

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Starting Weight: 258 lbs (Dec 10/08)
Last Weigh In: 202 lbs (June 20/09)
Current Weight: 201 lbs

This Week's Loss: 1lb!!!

Total pounds lossed to date: 57

Slowly but surely, I'm getting close to breaking that 200 pound mark!! I thought I would have done it this week, but either way I WILL GET THERE!!

I'm happy with the loss...A LOSS IS A LOSS and WAY BETTER THAN A GAIN or NOTHING AT I am happy with it. One pound away from next reward level...almost there. This month's total loss was about 5 pounds which is a bit low compared to other months,but I realize that I won't have a huge loss everytime and I did have a lot of changes in my schedule this past few weeks. I'm still happy quite with it! :)

Where the heck are the PORGRESS PIX, Joania?????

I've been so busy and out of town so often the past couple of months and my poor husband (my photographer), he has been so busy with his work and taking care of our son while I'm away, that we haven't had a chance to take some pix. He worked the time I opened my eyes this morning, he was already out the door. He's off tomorrow so we will have a big photo shoot in the morning. I apologize for taking so long to post these pics....there is a recent picture of me from the last Citizen newspaper was from a couple of weeks ago..but it's not the same as my full body, front, back and side shots...tomorrow for sure!!

Believe it or not, I received a couple of emails from people who thought the reason I haven't posted my progress pics is because I'm gaining weight and I don't want to share that, basically calling me a liar...which is nothing short of BULLSHIT and it ticked me off at first but I just shrugged it off - not even worth my time. Pix will be posted tomorrow and the proof will show. Some people...I will not waste my time on it!!

ANYWAY... I've got myself a new outfit which I will be posing in and I may even show some skin this time...I actually have curves in my waist and I may just show it off (still deciding!) :)

Until tomorrow...
Joania (2KMINE!!!)


South Beach Steve said...

Congratulations! You are right, a loss is a loss. I cannot believe you have had feedback from some bonehead questioning your reasoning for not posting a picture. Some people!

Anonymous said...

Another pound closer to your goal! Keep it going! :)

Weight Loss Expert said...

Great job with the weight loss! Iʼm inspired! Cheers, Erin