Saturday, November 28, 2009

Weigh-in Saturday ~ Week 50

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Starting Weight: 258 lbs (Dec 10/08)
Last Weigh In: 177 lbs (Nov 21/09)
Current Weight: 175 lbs (Nov 28/09)
Total Loss: 83 pounds!!

Wow!! Week 50!! Only 2 official weigh-ins left!! Incredible! This week, I lost another 2 pounds and I'm thrilled!!! It's just awesome. I weigh 175!! I don't remember ever weighing 175. I feel amazing. I'm at about a size 14 right now, even 12 in certain clothes. I think I look really good. I'm not super thin or anything....just healthy which is all that matters to me at this point.

With only 2 official weigh-ins left, I know that I will not hit the "101 pounds" mark and I don't care. I remember at the start of the journey, I was doing some research to find out what I "should" weigh for my height - my ideal weight. I found out that for my 5'5 frame, being female, I should weigh 136 pounds!! 136 pounds!! I remember thinking to myself, "yeah right, 136 pounds!!" So I then just decided I would try to lose 101 pounds - why 101? I have no clue....there was no logic or strategy - it was literally the first number that popped in my head. Losing 101 would take me to 157 pounds.

Now that I can look at my body after losing 83 pounds, and assess how I feel, strength and health wise, I think I would be fine with maintaining a weight ranging between 145 and 155 pounds. This will be my lifelong goal. To be consistent with my training and nutrition in order to keep me at a healthy 145 to 155. That would give me 10 pounds to play with. I will be turning 36 on February 27, 2010 and I am now setting a new goal of weighing 150 by that date. That's 25 pounds away - I CAN DO IT! This will give me the incentive I need to stay motivated and focused. After that, I will be setting new goals, different goals that do not center so much on weight, rather on fitness and health. I think my first non-weight related goal will be to start training for a triathalon (a mini one - i think they're called "Try-a-Tri") and then possibly a 10K run - who knows?? The sky's the limit! :)

I was in the mirror flexing my arm muscles today and laughing at how silly I looked.LOL! But I've gotta tell you - I feel SO STRONG!! I have some loose skin on my arms (and tummy and legs) BUT, that strong rock hard arm (and abs and legs) is under there and you can see it!! Pictures in 2 weeks...

My journey will not stop after the next two weigh-ins. I have totally changed my life and lifestyle for the better and have done so many wonderful things because of it...AND WILL CONTINUE to be able to do even more wonderful things!! Can't wait for tomorrow, and the day after!! :)

Have a great weekend!!

Until next time...
Joania (2KMINE!!!)


Anonymous said...

Yay Joania!!!

Congratulations! I am really looking forward to the new pics!

Kimmy said...

Awesome News!!!

You Rock!!!


karen@fitnessjourney said...

While reading your post the thing that struck in my mind was that you continue to talk about your health above all else. That is wonderful and probably the key to your success. When we take healthy steps, weight loss is a positive side effect.

I'm so happy for you!

South Beach Steve said...

Joania, I cannot wait to see the pics! You have really done awesome with this. Really, really awesome!

266 said...

Grat to hear you had another fantastic loss (not that I ever had any doubt - you have been rocking the food and exercise all week)!

Cole Walter Mellon said...

Wow! That's a great loss, especially considering how far into this journey you are. And way to keep after it for almost an entire year.

Truly inspirational!

InWeighOverMyHead said...

GREAT job!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to another successful week!!

Everyday Superhero said...

You're right, the sky's the limit. I love the goal setting. You CAN do anything!

Dree said...

Congratulations on your loss! Wow, your progress is so incredible and inspiring. Fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

yeahhh!!! I just figured you've been losing 1.6lb per week. It's a small number but it's huge in the end because it's totally doable! I think we should all use it a model for our own journeys!!! You rock!

Unknown said...

Joania, you are AWESOME. I wish you would consider coming down to Toronto area to do the try a tri... I am planning on doing it with 4 or 5 others in June and then a second one in August....

Thank you for being such an inspiration and proving to me that with hard work and perseverance this is do-able..... You ROCK

cre8tivgurl said...

Your loss over the last few weeks is huge. 10lbs in 3 weeks!!!! So awesome! Congratulations. I'm rooting for you through my weight trg sessions! You GO girl!

Tricia said...

congrats! Thats awesome!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your loss. I cannot wait to see the pics. You are right sky's the limit, as long as you are happy and healthy everything is good.

Joania said...

Thanks everyone!! The support has been incredible and really keeps me going