Thursday, September 17, 2009

Best Steps to Overcome Fluid Retention and Bloating

Here is another post filled with useful information and helpful tips from my trainer Rob.

Best Steps to Overcome Fluid Retention and Bloating by Rob Lagana

There are a few causes of water retention but for many an increase in sodium through the diet ( mainly salt intake ) is a common cause and research suggests it may contribute to high blood pressure and other health complications. Sodium is present in virtually all food products, so when a person consumes more food it's inevitable they also consume more sodium. Weight gains are very often a combination of fat stores and water retention.

Understand that there's a difference between water weight and fat weight. Even if you lose the water, your body won't lose the fat. So, you can watch your sodium, take water flushing herbs and drink more water for all you want, but your not going to lose the fat.Water weight is held under the skin and above the fat. Understand that the water weight I am talking about is the excess water weight, from ingesting too much sodium.The long term effect of too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure and kidney disease.Here are the best steps to Overcome Water Weight and Bloat.

1. Decrease your sodium intake. Various organizations, including the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine, have published recommendations for daily sodium intake. Most recommend between 1,500 and 2,400 milligrams (mg) a day for healthy adults.

2. Stay away from processed and prepared foods.

3. Stay away from condiments.

4. Identify ingredients that are loaded with sodium and stay away from them. Here is list, Monosodium glutamate (MSG), Baking Soda, Baking powder, Disodium phosphate, sodium alginate, sodium nitrate or nitrite.

5. Remove salt from recipes whenever possible. If you need to add salt, use sea salt as an alternative.

6. Use natural herbs, spices and other flavorings to enhance food.Of course, alot of sugars (carbs) also hold fluids, being sensitive or allergic to foods and being stressed (intestinal inflammation, higher cortisol) also will make you hold more fluids and cause bloat.

7. Deal with your stress. Learn to manage it. Start with breathing exercises, mediation, and problem solving.

8. Decrease your simple sugar intake or eliminate them completely.

9. Go to your naturopath or doctor and have a food sensitivity test done. If you live in Ottawa, this clinic offers it.

Most people go way over the recommended sodium intake for your body on a daily basis. The easiest way to reduce your intake is to follow the tips above and start eating clean. Diet is a major key to wellness and healthy weight loss.

1 comment:

Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

What great tips for reducing our sodium intake. I didn't realize that baking powder and soda had sodium!