Friday, March 27, 2009


YOU GUYS ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, where do I start?
Do you guys know what "ParticipACTION" is all about?? Remember Hal and Joanne? Body Break commercials? (I'm singing the 'Body Break" song as I type..." Body Break!! Bo--ody Break!!)...remember??? No???? Well, here's the logo?? Remember now??? No??? I used to have a t-shirt with that logo when I was a kid and just thought I was soooo cool!! Here's some quick info and a link to their website for more:ParticipACTION is the national voice of physical activity and sport participation in Canada. Their vision is to work with their partners to ensure a Canadian society where people are the most physically active on Earth. It is a national not-for-profit organization solely dedicated to inspiring and supporting active living and sport participation for Canadians. Originally established in 1971, ParticipACTION was a pioneer in social marketing and has become internationally recognized for its compelling communications to promote physical activity. In the late 1990s, core funding from the government began to wane, and without financial support to continue its campaign, ParticipACTION closed its doors in 2001. With generous support from Sport Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, ParticipACTION was revitalized in 2007 as the national voice of physical activity and sport participation in Canada.

Anyway, a few months back (maybe January or so), my husband told me about this new ad running on TV by "Participaction" asking for regular people like you and I to submit our stories to their website telling how we stay fit, what we're doing etc...He told me I should sign up. You may have seen the commercial, if not check it out here. Anyway, life went on. I had submitted links to my blog via "blog to lose" sites etc....

ANYWAY, I came home from work yesterday and received an email from an individual working with the advertising agency for Participaction, telling me that they came across my story/blog/journey and it was selected as a candidate/contender. They wanted to to speak with me to get more details on my story and also confirm my interest for this project so that it can evolve into a TV commercial!!!!!!!!!!

I needed to get in touch with them asap. They even left a comment on my last post of this blog asking me to get in touch with them. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT???? My story was chosen out of thousands!!! I'M GOING TO BE IN A NATIONAL TV COMMERCIAL!!!!

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect ALL OF THIS when I started this journey. I just wanted to get healthy and trim a bit of the "licious" off my booty!!! :0) That was it!! This is incredible.

I am totally excited to do this. The commercial should air sometime in May. I will keep you posted with the details.

So, I called the individual from the ad agency (super nice lady) today, and she gave me the details! I will need to submit some pix of me in ACTION (working out, sweating it up, etc.) and I'll also be required to do some voice over work.....the commercial should be airing sometime in MAY!!!! Isn't that nuts?!??!? I'm so excited about it. Remember these guys????????

Hal and Joanne!!!
I love these guys...we all know them from the ParticipACTION and Body Break commercials.

Well, look how far they went after doing those Participaction commercials!!!! :))

Anyway, just thought I'd share my good news!!

I'm meeting with my trainer tomorrow morning (730am)..for my new "KILLER" program. He's already told me that I will feel "a new level of hurt" !! Can't wait.

Until next time....

Joania (2KMINE!!!)


NOJ said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. And of course Paul and I will be bragging: "You see that FOINE sexy lady on TV? Yes, that's our friend Nia - we practically raised her."

Siobhan said...

Wow, what great news! And yes, I do remember Hal and Joanne! *sings the song with you*

MeltingLisa said...

Oh wow awesome!!! Congrats! That is very exciting .... hopefully get to see you on TV soon!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! WOWzers...! I am sooo happy for you!!!!! I can't believe they actually pick U... well I hope you know what I ean. You always here "other" people geting picked not someone you actually know. I'm really glad and I ca't wait to see it!!!

You go girl!!

Patricia London Smith said...

That is soooooo exciting! I am thrilled for you and of course proud of you!

It is awesome that besides the personal satisfaction and regular encouragement of family/friends/supportive strangers along your journey, you also have been featured in a newspaper article and now an upcoming commercial!

God has been soooooo gracious to you by giving you all these things to keep you going, most importantly your perseverence and inner strength...

Keep it up! As always, I'm proud of you! Big hug...


Patricia London Smith said...

That is soooooo exciting! I am thrilled for you and of course proud of you!

It is awesome that besides the personal satisfaction and regular encouragement of family/friends/supportive strangers along your journey, you also have been featured in a newspaper article and now an upcoming commercial!

God has been soooooo gracious to you by giving you all these things to keep you going, most importantly your perseverence and inner strength...

Keep it up! As always, I'm proud of you! Big hug...
