Monday, October 5, 2009

Don't Ever Look Back, You're Not Going That Way!!!!"

My friend Mark sent me this quote yesterday, congratulating me on my 5K run!! I LOVE this quote - it is so fitting for how I'm feeling right now (thanks Mark)!! The way I'm feeling right now is just incredible. I am still on a 5K HIGH!!! Still amazed that I did that!! I feel like I can do anything.

I received such incredible comments from all of you out there in blog land...just awesome!! Your support has just been amazing! I truly appreciate it!! I am still walking on air!! I keep reading yesterday's post over and over and it makes me smile each time! I was (and still am) just so very happy, ridiculously happy. I think I ended every sentence with exclamation marks :D

With this latest achievement now behind me (but ever so fresh in my mind), I really want to use this momentum to propel me forward to success. I do not "ever want to look back, I'm not going that way!!"

Setting this goal and actually going through it - seeing it through was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. You may have noticed that I set rewards for certain milestone weight loss achievements (right side of he blog). Crossing that finish line was so far the BEST reward that I have obtained on this journey. If any of you out there are thinking that maybe you want to run a 5K someday....DO IT!!! REGISTER, SHOW UP and RUN IT!!!!

I'm telling you, I wasn't sure that I would show up to run this race. I had so many doubts and as the race day approached those doubts increased and I found myself contemplating whether or not I would go through with it. "Maybe I need to lose a few more pounds first" I thought to myself. "Maybe I should work on improving my cardio some more"; "I think I need more time". This silly voice inside of me which I had listened to for so long, telling me that I COULD NOT DO something!! Well not this time!! I really just decided to silence that voice and I told that little voice to SHUT UP!! I registered and went to the race with the attitude that I just wanted to FINISH the race regardless of how long it took me, whether I walked for most of it or ran for most of it, I just want to finish!! BOY, I'M SO HAPPY I WENT THROUGH WITH IT!!!

The benefits of that day, of those 43 short minutes and 48 seconds are immense and will be with me forever!


I woke up a bit sore this morning...I know I really pushed myself in that run yesterday. I RAN through my "walk periods". I was just so excited and full of adrenaline that it did not matter. So this morning, I was feeling it!! LOL!! I had my upper body workout (weight training), it felt really good to push through the soreness and get that done. I had my kickboxing class during my lunch hour today and God Almighty did it ever hurt. The teacher had us do this leg stretches and my goodness, I was groaning and moaning through the entire thing....then the workout was intense and awesome!! I felt so strong!! He finished us of with a killer abdominal was great. I'm really loving Kickboxing. Tomorrow is Jiu-Jitsu class and Lower body weight training. Looking forward to it.

I did very well today with my eating. I had 2 eggs and a turkey sausage for breakfast, I had a grilled chicken salad from Subway and tonight I had roasted chicken breast with spinach and broccoli. I drank about 3 litres of water. I had a banana and apple for my snacks today!

I'm feeling good...really good...if I had wings right now, I'd be soaring!! (is that corny?) I'm just feeling amazing!


Until next time...
Joania (2KMINE!!!)


Christine said...

Hi joania,
I have nominated you for the over the top blog award. This is for your five K and your cool blog with the fish (which I have fed twice by the way)You can pick up the picture and the questions on my blog. Keep up the good work.

South Beach Steve said...

Joania, you are inspiring me to do a 5k. I am going to start looking for one for next spring.

Shannon said...

Just as long as you are not eating the wings but flying with them its not corny!! You have proved to everyone you will and can do anything you put your strong mind to. You are truly and amazing person no matter what size because you do still have the biggest heart!

LAF said...

I'm so glad you are feeling good! I love your uplifting attitude and have been enjoying your posts since SBS intro'd you on his sight.

InWeighOverMyHead said...

You are doing an awesome job! congrats on completing your first 5k! You inspire me!!!

- Lisa

Joania said...

Thank you everyone!!

@ Shan - I've loved since junior high and nothing's changed!! Thanks for being in corner! :)

Joania said...

@cmoursler - thanks for the support, kind wods and the AWARD!!

Anonymous said...

Gosh darn it you are so cute!!!

266 said...

I have an award for you on my blog!

The Road Curves Ahead said...

Tag you're it... stop by my blog for an award! ;-)