Friday, February 12, 2010

Just Need a Little Time

Hey Bloggers,

Sorry it's been so long. On a personal level, I have a lot going on right now and I just need to take a break.

I am still eating well and working out (not as intensely - no kickboxing or Jui jitsu, just walking, light weights, treadmill). I'm happy to report I have not gained a pound (nor lost) just maintaining, which is perfect for me right now.

I will be back and will provide more details but as for now I need a little time off.

Thank you so much for your understanding and support. Will be back soon (promise).



Unknown said...

Thanks for the post Joania. I have been thinking about you. Hope every is ok and you are back with your inspirational posts soon :D

Anonymous said...

Great job on maintaining. Hope everything works out for whatever you are going through right now...

Anonymous said...

Miss ya baby! Call me if you need to.

Take care.

Christine said...

Feel better soon hon.
Good job on the maintenance.
February has been a tough month for everyone it seems.

Candace said...

I can imagine it is hard to maintain-hope to be there someday~

266 said...

Hmmm... me thinks perhaps there is a pregnancy afoot? At least I hope the personal stuff is something positive like that! Glad to hear from you!!!

Tiff said...

Definitely missing your posts but I understand when you just need to take a break. We'll be waiting :)

jo said...

Wish you the best, hope things go well.

Kat said...

Glad to see a post from you...:-) Congrats on maintaining and taking care of yourself.

cre8tivgurl said...

Missing you and your awesome energy Joania. I hear you on taking it easy. We just don't do that enough. Take care of #1 and we look forward to having you back when the time is right. :)

Anonymous said...


Take good care of yourself.

Kimberly said...


I just found your blog a few weeks ago. You've inspired me to create my own ( Hope things are well for you! Take care.


Trixie said...

A break can do the body and soul some good — we'll be right here when you get back. Take care!

Anonymous said...

I so know how that goes! Hope you're well and so happy to hear you're still moving forward! I agree though - sometimes this whole process can't be in the foreground.

Kimmy said...

I've been missing you!

Hope all is well...and like someone said: It's all good.

You've been an HUGE inspiration to me.

Always remember to take care of yourself, no matter what you are going through. Stay true to you!

Lot's of hugs,

the meaklims said...

We miss you, please come back! :)

Hope you're doing okay.


Anonymous said...

Thnaks for the update. I have been following your blog for quite some time and I really love your motivation. Keep up the great work with your articles and please stop by my health blog sometime. The web address is

Anonymous said...

Miss you missy!

266 said...

Hi Joania! Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and yours. Hope all is well! Also, if you're interested, I have something for you on my blog!